Window Painting Pricing
All windows are priced per window panel.
$125 per panel. (cheaper options available through subscriptions, refer below.)
No dimensions or designs needed. Its set pricing per window.
Take Down
KateLyns Art gives the choice to take your window painting down on your own or to come out for a fee.
You take down- KateLyns Art will send a detailed pdf of tools needed and step by step instruction.
KateLyns Art Team Take Down- $35 for 4 windows, $8 each window after.
Window Subscriptions
Half down required, other half after each month/ completed project finished.
Ex. 5 windows a month on premium plan= $5,500. Half down= $2,750. Other half due after each completed project= $250.
Basic Plan
3 months done (pick your own 3 holidays or seasons), Free take down, Priority list.
$120 a window panel
Popular Holidays:
Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas
Standard Plan
7 months done (all major holidays), Free take down. Priority List
$110 a window panel
Major holidays include:
New years (January), Valentines Day (February), Easter (April), Independence Day (July), Halloween (October), Thanksgiving (November), Christmas (December)
Any of these Holidays can be switched out for any other holiday, or you can choose to do a season instead!
Premium Plan
11 months done (all major holidays & every season represented), free take down, top of priority list, a video to instagram/ tiktok that you will be tagged in.
$100 a window panel
All Holidays & Seasons include:
January- New Years or Mlk
February- Valentines Day or presidents Day
March- Spring
April- Easter
May- Memorial Day or Mothers day
June-Summer or Juneteenth
July- Independence Day or Fathers Day
September- Fall or Labor Day
October- Halloween
November- Veterns’s Day or Thanksgiving
December- Christmas, Kwanza, Hanukkah, Ramadan, or Winter.
Mural Pricing
All projects are unique and priced individually. This is a rudimentary reference for pricing
pricing depends on several factors: size, location, complexity, and surface texture
Basic Tier
Moderate detail, and simple designs
Starting at $10 a sq ft
Standard Tier
Intricate designs, personalized themes, moderate detail
Starting at $15 a sq ft
Premium Tier
Highly detailed, intricate and personalized designs, large scale and elaborate murals.
Starting at $20 a sq ft
Mobile Mural
transforms any space with vibrant art. perfect for events. there are several advantages to mobile murals: Portability, flexibility, cost effective, customizable, and low commitment
Starting at a minimum of $1000, mobile murals go based off the same tier pricing.
Let’s work together.
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!